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I am a writer - late developer since I wasn't published until I was 50. I have now written 23 novels, numerous short stories and articles.


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Sunday, 3 June 2012
I wanted to write a novel about sibling rivalry, about favouritism, about ambition, about betrayal - but where to set it,  my agent took me to the opera at Covent Garden when she discovered I had never been - although as a child I was taken every year to a Gilbert and Sullivan which I hated!  I had always loved opera singers, though I have to confess that it was the arias I liked and not the recitative!  But that was a magical evening so opera it would be.

   I had for a time, in the sixties, worked for an agent in the pop music industry. So pop would be included and Overtures began.

It was a book I enjoyed writing, it is very long but there was so much to tell.  The best part of all was that it was written to music blaring out of the speakers, opera when I was writing Kitty, pop when it was Lana’s turn.

It is one that I hope that people will enjoy as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Apologies for not posting for so long, there are several reasons.  I’ve had an operation, moved house and there just seems to be so many blogs around these days that I felt since I had nothing specific to say I was doing everyone a favour by holding fire.

I have to recommend my daughter’s blog however, it is always interesting, varied exactly what a blog should be.  On top of which she posts regular interviews with writers which are always informative and different.

Kindle has been great, it’s difficult to gauge success when compared with those who sell thousands then I am a long way down the league.  It is such fun in the morning to check what has happened in the night.  Since I am not published in the United States it’s lovely to be selling there.

Now another is going up on Kindle. Overtures.  This time, as an experiment, for two days it will be a freebie.  Again daughter Kate has done the covers for me.


  1. Overtures, Annie? When? Where?

    So pleased you are coming to the RNA Conference this year, by the way :)

  2. Hi Annie, great to hear from you this morning & see you the other day! I just emailed Bex asking her and Savannah to dinner in our horrid little house. We rent out the one in victoria rd and bought one on the beeches because it's very near tasha's school, kingshill, where she is doing really well. How did your puppy hunt go? Our last pup has just gone. I must shut up, I probably shouldn't be posting here, but I didn't ask your email and I do want to re-read some of your fab books! Lynne

  3. Hi Annie. This sounds great. I love the fact you're combining the two forms - opera and pop.
    I wish you every success in your foray into the world of Kindle. I'm sure Overtures will do tremendously well.

  4. Hope you found it, Jan.

    Lynne, great you are back with us

    Gilli, I hope so too, but have me doubts.

  5. I didn't know you worked in the pop industry, Annie. When will Overtures be here?

    Good luck with the whole Kindle experience!

  6. Coming in a month late, sorry! I don't blog much, either Annie, but I'm really pleased the back list is doing well on Kindle. My problem is I've got them all already!
